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December 2, 2001 – Sunday

18 Sep

(Sunday Dec. 2, 2001 – Our Wedding Anniversary of 67 years of marriage we had 7 children all normal birth + living now.

Wake up 7:00 am. watch charls Stanley 7:30 a.m. Dr. Schuller service I watch after wash face brush teeth, fix bed, heat water of hot chocolate + crackers for breakfast, take pills, Gloria cooked oatmeal for breakfast, all of us eat.  11:00 take a nap, exercise, put dishes in shelves, wash dishes put in dishwasher, crocey – on dishwasher today.  Here we ate dinner Louie, Me, Gloria, John (Jon), Jen Don + Judy Dumpit, bring vege salads, she take home left over salads, we all eat around the table in dinning room, crocey, 8:30 p.m. go to bed + sleep, clean the kitchen, Don + Judy still here.

December 1, 2001 – Saturday

18 Sep

Wake up 7:00 a.m. wash face, brush teeth, exercise, eat crackers + hot chocolate for breakfast, take pills, wash dishes in dishwasher, put dishes in place. watch TV 10:00 a.m. Gloria me to drive Bank of America To cash a check to for 100 dollars all five, only 95 gave teller gave me, for my small grandchildren on Xmas by Tylenol, 150 tablets, powder, lotion, hair spray kit kat 2, paid cash 27.00, passed by Longs mail to day Bradleip (?) 2 months Edu. ins + Asbury church Pledge, $45.00.  Heat rice, squash for lunch, Gloria is home.  Jen in Sacramento.  Louie go to work. 11:00 take a nap. 12. I eat rice + squash for lunch. 6:00 p.m. Don + Judy pick me John (Jon) + Jordan to Antiock high school gym to watch dancing by pupils + speech by Jack Llane, Tom Regina Jacobs, eat there vege, salads, spagethy, bread cookies + apple, Went home go to bed + sleep.

November 29, 2001 – Thursday

18 Sep

Wake up 7:00 a.m. take a bath, dress up, roll my hair, make checks for Month of Dc. 1, 2001 – Xmas check to make on Dec. 20, 2001, eat crackers + hot chocolate. take 2 Dulcolax to throw, take pills, watch TV, to night I will tell Gloria to drive me to Safeway to buy

continue Nov. 30, 2001 Tylenol 2, tooth paste cookies. 11:00 take a nap. up 12:00 eat toast bread + hot chocolate for lunch. 3:30 p.m. peel squash to cook for dinner tonight, heat pork speribs, cook squash with coconut  milk 6:30 p.m.  John (Jon) + me eat dinner, Gloria, co worker Tom work here for one hour + co worker. then she left go to her office. 8:00 go to bed + sleep. throw today

November 3, 2001 – Saturday

18 Sep

Wake up 6:30 a.m. wash face, brush teeth, comb my hair, eat champarado hot chocolate for breakfast, take pills, watch TV wash dishes put in dishwasher.  This afternoon 2:00 p.m. go to Livermore, put posenthia flowers on Honey’s grave, passed by Safeway to buy Tylenol, crackers, raisins bread, batteries to put in my flashlight, pick the ginataan at 3:00 p.m. (not ready) after from Livermore pick ginataan tomorrow Sunday Nov. 4, 2001 On dishwasher today, place dishes on shelves. To night I’ll cook pakbet, ingredients ready, from Livermore. we visits the grave of Honey 1/2 hour, put flowers, watch Jordan’s basketball game, they win, then to Chinese restaurant to eat dinner, every body share for the cost $106.00 we are 13 people, Jen + John (Jon) stay in Livermore in Fil’s house, they went cine.  Crystal, Leslee, Jen, John (Jon).  We of Gloria went home, arrived Louie is home. go to bed + sleep.

November 2, 2001 – Friday

18 Sep

Wake up 6:30 a.m. Take a bath, dress up, roll my hair, cook champarado for breakfast I eat.  Gloria + Jen for breakfast, hot chocolate, take pills, watch TV Gloria left to work, out chicken to cook adobo tonight for dinner 11: take a nap, exercise, up 2:00 eat 1 hopia watch TV wash dishes On dishwasher.  I put dishes in places. 3:00 p.m. I cook rice + chicken adobo, all eat dinner at 6:00 p.m.

(continues Nov. 2, 2001 Jason, Jordan, Peyton are eat dinner here.  Gloria, me, Jen John (Jon) eat the table of dinner. Wash dishes + put in dishwasher, watch TV Louie is late, Tom was here, he hug me working for cmoputer + Gloria, put dishes in places, 8:00 clean kitchen, go to bed + sleep.

November 5, 2001

18 Sep

I stop drinking hot chocolate.  I begin drinking (green tea) for breakfast + 1 toast or crackers for my pain on my knees with little sugar

August 18, 2001 – Saturday

18 Sep

Wake up 7:00 a.m. dress up, wash face, brush teeth, eat crackers, hot chocolate, Gloria washes dishes, cook for breakfast, here. Anthony, Jordan, Mario, Judy, Brad, Jon, me, Louie, Gloria, Jen.  We will go to birthday party, Venus child of Stephanie her daughter, after go to Jeff + Joy’s house, take pills, Gloria cook rice, sausage, eggs for breakfast everybody eat 10:00 a.m.  Judy Dumpit come here + eat too.  They all go to Joy’s house, first we three Gloria, me + Joy go to birthday (Venus grandchild) party of Venus grandchild at 11:30 a.m. then from there go to Joy’s house. sleep there, watch TV. beep play very much. they enjoy the place, In the morning we eat donuts + milk for breakfast we all left 11:00 a.m. passed by store, they shop, buy shoes. passed by Out + In, hamburger + french fries. We eat there at Stephanie’s house for her 1 year old daughter.  I gave cash $20.00 for her birthday gift.  We eat dinner at Joy’s house, barbecue chicken leg + beef watermelon.  8:00 p.m. I sleep in the same room, we want there before.

June 26, 2001 – Tuesday

17 Sep

Wake up 6:00 a.m. take a bath, dress up roll my hair, cut finger nails. eat cookies, hot chocolate for breakfast take pills, watch TV 9:00 a.m. exercise drink milk, Louie left early to work, Gloria left 7:30 a.m. to work, Jen still here cooking scrambled eggs, after go to work Jen gave me toast + scrambled eggs for breakfast, thanks.  wash dishes I throw today (underlined) 11:00 take a nap up 12:00 cooking today, celebrate Kylee’s birthday in their house.  I gave her $25.00 check gift to her.  Louie arrived early, eat 10:00 p.m. went to Rachel house to celebrate Kylee’s birthday, come back home 8:00 p.m. to sleep.  Food caterer – good.