Tag Archives: Stephanie Hesselroth

August 18, 2001 – Saturday

18 Sep

Wake up 7:00 a.m. dress up, wash face, brush teeth, eat crackers, hot chocolate, Gloria washes dishes, cook for breakfast, here. Anthony, Jordan, Mario, Judy, Brad, Jon, me, Louie, Gloria, Jen.  We will go to birthday party, Venus child of Stephanie her daughter, after go to Jeff + Joy’s house, take pills, Gloria cook rice, sausage, eggs for breakfast everybody eat 10:00 a.m.  Judy Dumpit come here + eat too.  They all go to Joy’s house, first we three Gloria, me + Joy go to birthday (Venus grandchild) party of Venus grandchild at 11:30 a.m. then from there go to Joy’s house. sleep there, watch TV. beep play very much. they enjoy the place, In the morning we eat donuts + milk for breakfast we all left 11:00 a.m. passed by store, they shop, buy shoes. passed by Out + In, hamburger + french fries. We eat there at Stephanie’s house for her 1 year old daughter.  I gave cash $20.00 for her birthday gift.  We eat dinner at Joy’s house, barbecue chicken leg + beef watermelon.  8:00 p.m. I sleep in the same room, we want there before.

August 20, 2000 – Sunday

17 Sep

wake 7:00 a.m. wash face, brush teeth, eat toast, hot chocolate for breakfast, take pills, watch Dr. Schuller service, first time to take Vioxx for my knee of pain 10:30 a.m. went to Amtrak to finish the envelope, come back home at 5:00 p.m. went to Walnut Creek hospital to visit Stefany will have a Baby on the Joy was there already, we wait until 7:00 p.m.  Venus was there with daughter Stefany + husband waiting for the baby.  We left 6:00 p.m. went to Jude’s house to eat dinner.  Mike + Jordan are there, eat dinner after eating we went home, washing dishes on dishwasher before going to bed + sleeps.